Hello everyone,
my name is Taniq and I am from Slovakia.
It was a long quarantine time in my country and therefore finally I had time to finish my robot. I know his name is AR2 but it crashed so many times while I was building it that I simply name it Sir CrashALots ;)
I would like to share with you a small program for beginners, using Arduino or any similar software with C# language. Before I started I've made a quite research and from the tones of code and libraries, I found a much more efficient and easy way to control a robot. At least if you' re from the people who don't want to copy and paste something you don't understand nor have enough knowledge to edit.
Since it is open-source I share the code with you and I hope it would be helpful for beginners like me.
This is a link to a video. : ))))
And here is what you need in order to make the magic happen.
A module with two analog Joysticks, cable 1 mm thick and self - taping socked.
The socked with the cable you mount on Arduino Mega board. Then u can check with a multimeter which of the pins corresponds to signal of the cable. You will see this below in the program as an example in my case, but you can setup a different way for you.
ps. I have tried several times to upload the file with the code but it doesn't work.
If someone could help out I will appreciate it.
Thank you.
That looks really cool, thanks for sharing. are you not able to use the add file function in the post?