I'm looking for a kit that uses the same mechanics as the AR2, but I will use my own drive stages and control electronics. Also, looking to put in DC servos that have encoders.
Is this possible with your kit?
Did not want to use steppers as recommended for the kit at stepperonline.com. Any input on how I can do this would be appreciated.
What size DC servos can I use that will suit the joint tolerances for the AR2?
I’m not sure yet, leaning toward stepper motors given cost of the motors and drivers. Affordability for everyone is the main goal.
It will be some time before I’m done with it but I am looking at designing a robot that’s a little bit larger that will use encoder feedback instead of the limit switches for calibration . I’ll keep everyone posted as I make progress but I haven’t gotten very far on it yet.
Hello, The AR2 is designed for the stepper motors as you reference. I'm not sure what DC motors might be available that will have the same motor mounts. One would have to compare each stepper motor frame and find comparable motor frame. Also keep in mind the stepper motors I used are gear head for most of them so its more likely your challenge will be in finding alternate gear boxes that fit the bolt patterns and shaft diameters of the design. You would also need to take into consideration your motor torque curve vs gear reduction of the motors you find. You would have to use completely different control software as my AR2 software is designed specifically to control all 6 axis via stepper motor steps. Im starting work on designing my next version robot that will use absolute encoders but im not sure yet if I will try to jump to brushless DC motors or stick with steppers using encoder feedback. Steppers are low cost and that has been my goal to build robots people can actually afford.