I'm using software that i've written in c++ to run my ar2-3. the fk and ik routines are an interpretation of chris's python code. i'm using a matrix maths library for the matrix operations and the accelstepper library for the motion profiling. it results in quite a compact code base. the whole thing runs on a teensy.
it runs stand alone with a command line interface or with a control program i wrote to jog the arm using x,y,z,yaw,pitch,roll or j1-6 angles or run a script of x,y,z,yaw,pitch,roll commands. works a treat....
If you still have problems compiling, look under File/Examples/MatrixMath/MatrixMathExample and compile that sketch. It has a call to Print
do you have a duplicate, more than one MatrixMath library installed?
I've compiled the sketch on both a Mega and Teensy 3.5. No problems.
Have you installed the MatrixMath library? If so, check in MatrixMath.h for the Print function prototype. If its not there, you have a different library to the one I have ( https://github.com/codebndr/MatrixMath )
if ( verbose ) Matrix.Print( (float*)DHt, 6, 4, "DH table");
exit status 1
no matching function for call to 'MatrixMath::Print(float*, int, int, const char [9])'
is failing here
I've uploaded the sketch now.
I've uploaded the sketch, control application and some test files to github hugo-source/AR2-source.... cheers
I'm looking forward to.
I need to do some more testing, then I'll put the arduino code + my control program + a pdf description onto github.
I'm currently integrating a servo gripper that doesn't interfere with the calibration.
Yes there is. so we can contribute if you share.
Do you have an arm built that you can use? Do you know how you want to use the software?
i will be waiting
If you share it, we may benefit in its development.
can you share