Hello, I'm new to forum (and Arduino) so I hope I'm asking this correctly.
Does anyone have any advice/guidance for interfacing a UNO to a Leadshine DM556 driver? https://www.oyostepper.de/goods-1248-Leadshine-DM556-Digitaler-Stepper-Treiber-05-56A-20-50VDC-f%C3%BCr-Nema-17-23-24-Schrittmotor.html
I'm planning to use a NEMA 34 motor to drive the Z-axis on small mill. No positioning, just want to control speed and direction.
Recommend to use esp32 and fluidNC and you will have the interface of mill in a web browser.
all informations you need http://wiki.fluidnc.com/en/installation