Hi Annin Robotics Community,
I'm excited to share that I've recently developed and released a ROS 2 driver for the AR4 robot arm. It uses ros2_control framework for robot control, MoveIt 2 for motion planning, and Rviz2 for user interface and visualization. It's available to use at https://github.com/ycheng517/ar4_ros_driver and will be actively developed and maintained. Check it out if you wish to tap into the power of ROS 2 with the AR4, and contributions are welcome!
Hey Yifei!
Firstly, thank you very much for all your effort on this. Second, do you have any recommendations on how to 'calibrate & commission' the arm to a user's unique implementation? For example, in the instructions that Chris Annin gives for the AR4-MK3, the commissioning procedure verifies that the motors and encoders are going the right direction, and that the limit switches are acting correctly. I ask this because when I started up the arm today after getting ROS2 working through WSLg, with calibrate:=True the arm started moving in an unexpected way, so I turned off the power. I investigated in RVIZ and the encoders are causing correct movements on some joints, and opposite on others.
Any hints would be appreciated!