Hi Annin Robotics Community,
I'm excited to share that I've recently developed and released a ROS 2 driver for the AR4 robot arm. It uses ros2_control framework for robot control, MoveIt 2 for motion planning, and Rviz2 for user interface and visualization. It's available to use at https://github.com/ycheng517/ar4_ros_driver and will be actively developed and maintained. Check it out if you wish to tap into the power of ROS 2 with the AR4, and contributions are welcome!
Great work ! Thanks a lot. My AR4 is now ROS2 controlled. Calibration works, path planning and execution using MoveIt works well. I'm stuck with the hand-eye validation. Intel camera is detected and I see the video in MoveIt. Hand-eye calibration is ok, I took 6 samples, aruco tag is detected. When I try to run the hand-eye validation procedure, the aruco tag is detected but planning fails. with the following message: "unable to sample any valid states for goal tree" Any idea why ??