~~Firstly, I’m not sure if this kind of post is allowed, so please delete if it’s not.~~
I started this project a few months ago, making slow and steady progress. I made it all the way to wiring up the electronics before moving across the country a few weeks ago. After arriving, I found my robot arm broken in multiple pieces. So, I am looking to stop this build for now.
I am selling all of my AR4 components. This includes the full motor kit from StepperOnline, all of the hardware and electronics, the J3 belt and pulley upgrade, a pneumatic gripper, and more. It does not include the 3D printed components since many of them broke in transit.
If you are interested in purchasing this, please email me at matas.lauzadis@gmail.com for more details. I am local to Boston MA and able to meet within a few hours of here.
Again, I’m sorry if this is not allowed. I just want to give someone else the opportunity to build this arm at a lower cost than buying the entire BOM themselves.
Update 01/05/2024: The kit is sold.
Update 01/05/2024: The kit is sold.