I have a custom plotter that is really like a CNC machine but with a custom pen holder.
In my current design I have an X and Y motor but I will be switching to a more traditional design with two Y motors and one X motor
Therefore I need an additional stepper motor. My current motors are oyostepper motors, High Torque NEMA 17 Stepper Motors for 3D Printers (https://www.oyostepper.com/category-6-b0-Nema-17-Stepper-Motor.html)
They are rated at 0.4A but have reasonable torque. I am having a hard time finding a matching motor - most seem to be rated at a higher current, like 1.68A.
The question is - can I mix motors of different ratings? Currently I am using a bench power supply with 12V and 0.4A.
Or should I replace the existing motors and use a matched set of three motors?
How far are you on this project? Have you settled on motors already? I haven't had direct experience with matching motors, but a couple of comments. It's probably best and is certainly easiest to use identical motors, but that said you could likely get away with using different ones. To consider, the motors might make complete each step at slightly different speeds, especially given the higher current rating of the other motors; they might be a little faster. I doubt it would cause problems with such small steps (so long as the step sizes match, of course) and with proper step timing so that both motors are able to complete together. If they stall, the weaker one would stall first and then you really do have a problem as it would twist the platform, and it could possibly cams and bind up. You'd also need different power supplies per motor and probably a few other considerations specific to the motors. But depending on your setup and plans for how you are using it, I do think it would work fine with different motors.