Greetings from the UK!
Firstly, many congratulations for the absolutely brilliant videos, downloads and general advice on home built robot arms - great work!
Unfortunately I was a little late discovering your designs and had embarked on building my own design loosely based on a UR30 style arm design. I would love to build the latest AR4 arm but I'm afraid my funds are limited and can't really afford to do so right now so I'm trying to get my arm to function with your AR2 software and control.
My arm has 6 DOF, limit switches on each joint but no encoders. I have defined the DH parameters (which seem to work OK) set the step counts for each axis and calibrated them and I can home each axis independently as well as auto-home. I can jog each axis using the J1 to J6 buttons fine, but when I try to jog the axis using the XYZ jog buttons I get no movement. The same applies when I try to define a program, I can teach waypoint positions but when I try to execute I get no physical movement nor any error codes.
I have studied nearly every one of your videos and gone through the comments in the forum but can find no clues as to what I have done wrong or what to do next. HELP!