Hello there,
I'd like to upgrade the software of my AR2. The newer software require a teensy 4.1 so I need to replace my mega and rewire the switchs to 3.3v.
I found a few post and bits of answer here and there but I a few questions remains:
I don't plan to replace the motors and skip the encoders. If I read correctly I can use the AR4 sw in open loop ?
Are the AR2 servo drives 3.3 tolerant (DM542T and a DM320T) ? I guess I have to provide 3.3V on the +5 pins and rewire the DIR PUL to the teensy ?
Which sketch and software version should I use ? I'm a bit lost here with all the AR4 variants ? The latest AR4 V5 ? or AR3 ?
Yes you can use the software in open loop mode if you do not have encoders. Yes the DM542T and DM320T will work with 3.3v input level to the teensy pins. You should use the latest version software and firmware sketch 5.0. You can load the AR3 defaults on the kinematics tab for your AR2 which should work just fine given the AR3 encoder variables will not be used in open loop mode.