Firsly Thank Chris Anni great robot arm, I want to build 3D printed Ar3 arm. I wonder can I use Teensy ver 4.1 board instead of ver 3.5 ? Cuz Teensy 4.1 better in speed and memory.
The reason I used the 3.5 is because the pins are 5v tolerant. The encoders need 5v to power them but there output is low so thats not an issue as much as the limit switches. Its possible to use the 4.0 or 4.1 but you would need to run 3.3v to the robot for the limit switches and 5v for the encoders.
Thanks for quick reply! Got it now so I need to add 3.3v PS for physicaly limit swich. Another question is can i use proximity sensor for limit switch with range of voltage from 10-30V?
If you wanted to go with another type of switch it needs to provide a 3.3v input to the teensy board (5v is using the 3.5 board)
The reason I used the 3.5 is because the pins are 5v tolerant. The encoders need 5v to power them but there output is low so thats not an issue as much as the limit switches. Its possible to use the 4.0 or 4.1 but you would need to run 3.3v to the robot for the limit switches and 5v for the encoders.