Hi from Spain, a few month ago I built the AR3 robot but with little modifications to end stop switches (J2 and J4). The problem I have is that when I enable the encoders and I run a program, I get the "Colission or motor error, see log" error and the program stops. It happens everytime, and with all the axes. When I jog manually each axes, I get no errors. If I run the "test encoders" program, I get correct values.
I'm using AR4 (v1.1) control software with updated Teensy 4.1. I have modify the Teensy program to invert some encoder channels and adjust some steps/º ratios. What could be wrong or I should check?
Thank you so much
Hi, I finally solved the issue. I just upgrade the encoders to the new model of CUI, ref AMT10E2-V. This new encoder supports 3.3V, so no more problems.
Thank you
Hi again, I have been testing some level shifter, but no luck. The error keeps going. Now I supply 5V to the encoders and 3.3V to the limit switches. The 5V signals from the encoders are stepped down by level shifters. Any ideas? Thank you
Thank you, I will try to supply 5V to the encoders and use a level shifter.
Thank you for your answer,
Yes, they are working on 3.3V.
No, the encoders are also working on 3.3V. Checking the datasheet, I see that the minimun Vdd is 3.6V, so maybe here is the problem. I´m a little confused here because when running the test encoders program, I can see the values changing.
Just two questions: 1. Did you modify the switch limiters' voltage to 3.3V? 2. Did you install any level shifters on the CUI encoders outputs? Having 5V on the corresponding inputs of Teensy v4.1 is bringing the microcontroller on that board outside the safe limits, and may produce unexpected behaviours, or even permanent failure of the Teensy board.