As I plan on getting myself a kit for a project this summer, I would just like to know if anyone have any experience in editing/creating code in external software, and loading and running it through the software provided by AR.
Also, if anyone has experience running the AR2 robot with Rhinoceros/Grasshopper combination, please feel free to share your experience and tips.
Hi Pradeep, Erick from Lima Peru here. I haven't used the software for the robot since I am just beginning to build my AR3; but maybe it is necessary to manage the output panel as a multiline data. Thus, it would be exported as a secuential list of instructions just as g-code or KRL.
Let me know if this helps!
Also, you can download the ghprogram exported code from link below.
Thank you
I just exported a file from grasshopper with a similar code. Is there a specific tkinter list format? If possible, please can you share a link where I could learn from?
what is the file type being exported, The programs in my software are a python tkinter list.
Many thanks for your response, Chris. Maybe I might sound stupid, But I assumed regarding g-code it just has a position and a normal (mainly used for milling or point tools), Will I be able to exploit the XYZWPR of the Robot's 6DOF in a gcode? I was able to create a code generator in grasshopper for Joint and Linear movements in Grasshopper and was also able to export into a file.
But as soon as I using ARC interface and load the program. Everything seems to be deleted. So was wondering if there is a way to upload the generated program directly into your ARC interface either by using load program or something. Please let me know. Thanks.
Hello, I will be working on a gcode interpreter but I dont have that up and running yet. Let me know if that answers your question or if you have a specific format need.
Hi Chris, Firstly thank you so much for this wonderful pathway to robotics and amazing documentation. I was wondering on the same context of the question if you were able to explore the possibility of reading an external program in your ARC software. I have a code writing in an external software which I would like to upload it on to the ARC software. Please let me know if that is possible.
Hi Kris,
I have used Rhino/Grasshopper to control the KUKA KR500.
I'm not using it now to control the AR2, however you could use Grasshopper to send a XYZ co-ordinate message to the AR2 software... However I wouldn't necessarily recommend Grasshopper long term (at least not for my preferences) as it doesn't have the flexibility that I would prefer.
I'll look up on Python tkinter and explore the posility to export as such, thank you very much, Chris!
The program file is a Python tkinter list type file. I would have to do some research on editing a tkinter list outside of Python.
Hi Chris, Can you let me know how you generate your operation files?
When I create an operation, the file containing it, is of type "file", and when I try to alter it just a slight bit, for example in notepad changing X from 69.9 to 69.8, saving it as type "file" again, the whole list of commands are deleted when I load the operation again.
I do not have any experience with Rhinoceros or Grasshopper but im interested to see if anyone else replies to this question.