the stepper motor controlled by Teensy 3.5, not using arduino mega.
in assembly process, the arduino mega connected to 8 channel relay and standby, you can use it to control more device later, such as motor, buttons, led and etc. it no use for arm movement, calibration
according documentation, arduino mega use for control gripper, no stepper motor. the arduino is optional and not important if you use pneumatic gripper.
the stepper motor controlled by Teensy 3.5, not using arduino mega.
in assembly process, the arduino mega connected to 8 channel relay and standby, you can use it to control more device later, such as motor, buttons, led and etc. it no use for arm movement, calibration
if it is optional, how do you control the motors ?
according documentation, arduino mega use for control gripper, no stepper motor. the arduino is optional and not important if you use pneumatic gripper.