I am designing a robot from scratch with a differential wrist similar to the one on this video :
I would like to modify the program of the AR4 for the teensy 4.1 to fit these new kinematics, but I'm not that good at programming.
So I have a few questions :
Is this allowed ? Just making sure.
I found some formulas about differential wrists on this publication :
Here are the formulas, which I think will apply to my design :

So I'm not looking for someone who will do all the work for me, but rather some help on where to look in the program to implement these equations (line numbers or something like that), if that is possible, because i'm a bit lost in the complexity of the program.
Also, I do not plan on using encoders for this project. Do I need to make modifications to the AR4 teensy program to make it work without encoders ?
Here's a pic of my work in progress :

Any comment or help is welcome ! many thanks !
Alright, Looks like I found how to do it.
In the solveForwardKinematic() function, I added the equations before solving the forward kinematics.
void SolveFowardKinematic() { robot_set_AR3(); float target_xyzuvw[6]; float joints[ROBOT_nDOFs]; float joints3; float joints4; float joints5; for (int i = 0; i < ROBOT_nDOFs; i++) { joints[i] = JangleIn[i]; } //Conversion differential wrist joints3 = joints[3]; joints4 = joints[4]; joints5 = joints[5]; joints[4] = (20/16) * (joints4 - joints3); joints[5] = (20/16) * (joints5 - joints3) - (20/16) * (joints4 - joints3); forward_kinematics_robot_xyzuvw(joints, target_xyzuvw); xyzuvw_Out[0] = target_xyzuvw[0]; xyzuvw_Out[1] = target_xyzuvw[1]; xyzuvw_Out[2] = target_xyzuvw[2]; xyzuvw_Out[3] = target_xyzuvw[3] / M_PI * 180; xyzuvw_Out[4] = target_xyzuvw[4] / M_PI * 180; xyzuvw_Out[5] = target_xyzuvw[5] / M_PI * 180; }
Also, I added the inverse equations in the solveInverseKinematics function, after solving the inverse kinematics.
void SolveInverseKinematic() { float joints[ROBOT_nDOFs]; float target[6]; float JangleOut3; float JangleOut4; float JangleOut5; float solbuffer[ROBOT_nDOFs] = {0}; int NumberOfSol = 0; int solVal = 0; KinematicError = 0; JointEstimate(); target[0] = xyzuvw_In[0]; target[1] = xyzuvw_In[1]; target[2] = xyzuvw_In[2]; target[3] = xyzuvw_In[3] * M_PI / 180; target[4] = xyzuvw_In[4] * M_PI / 180; target[5] = xyzuvw_In[5] * M_PI / 180; // Serial.println("X : " + String(target[0]) + " Y : " + String(target[1]) + " Z : " + String(target[2]) + " rx : " + String(xyzuvw_In[3]) + " ry : " + String(xyzuvw_In[4]) + " rz : " + String(xyzuvw_In[5])); for (int i = -3; i <= 3; i++) { joints_estimate[4] = i * 30; int success = inverse_kinematics_robot_xyzuvw<float>(target, joints, joints_estimate); if (success) { if (solbuffer[4] != joints[4]) { if (robot_joints_valid(joints)) { for (int j = 0; j < ROBOT_nDOFs; j++) { solbuffer[j] = joints[j]; SolutionMatrix[j][NumberOfSol] = solbuffer[j]; } if (NumberOfSol <= 6) { NumberOfSol++; } } } } else { KinematicError = 1; } } joints_estimate[4] = JangleIn[4]; solVal = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ROBOT_nDOFs; i++) { if ((abs(joints_estimate[i] - SolutionMatrix[i][0]) > 20) and NumberOfSol > 1) { solVal = 1; } else if ((abs(joints_estimate[i] - SolutionMatrix[i][1]) > 20) and NumberOfSol > 1) { solVal = 0; } // Serial.println(String(i) + " Joint estimate : " + String(joints_estimate[i]) + " // Joint sol 1 : " + String(SolutionMatrix[i][0]) + " // Joint sol 2 : " + String(SolutionMatrix[i][1])); } if (NumberOfSol==0) { KinematicError = 1; } // Serial.println("Sol : " + String(solVal) + " Nb sol : " + String(NumberOfSol)); for (int i = 0; i < ROBOT_nDOFs; i++) { JangleOut[i] = SolutionMatrix[i][solVal]; } //Conversion differential wrist JangleOut3 = JangleOut[3]; JangleOut4 = JangleOut[4]; JangleOut5 = JangleOut[5]; JangleOut[4] = JangleOut4 * 16/20 + JangleOut3; JangleOut[5] = (JangleOut5 + 20/16 * JangleOut3 + JangleOut4) * 16/20; }
I haven't tested the code, as the robot isn't built yet. I will give updates once I make it work.
See ya !
Thank you for your answer Chris, I found how to disable the encoders in the software.
I understood how to modify the DH parameters to change the dimensions of the robot.
I also have made progress in implementing the wrist kinematics equations in the program. I modified the AR2 kinematics spreadsheet to find the wrist angles of the motors after reduction.
Here's the spreadsheet : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iReknbEAj4RcIj4BmtkDDe6l3gSqDisI/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103973936673798901416&rtpof=true&sd=true
Now I just need to modify the teensy 4.1 program in the same way. I have found where the forward and inverse kinematics are programmed in the code.
If anyone has a tip on how to do this, again, any help is greatly appreciated.
Hello, Im happy to see people modify the program and share it with everyone, I only ask people not resell for profit. You dont need to use encoders. the software has an option for open loop mode on the settings tab.