- I successfully installed teensy and Arduino sketches.
- Connection established and I see yellow sign on ARCS software
Problem: Every time w
hen I try to jog axis' I get collision error or out of calibration for all axis' and I read permission error on that black screen (see attached photos)
Can I anyone take a look this please?
Thank you

If you haven't found a solution to your permission error, please take a look at the link below. I had the same com port permission error and was able to resolve it.
Check your 5v going to the limit switches, I had mine reversed and every axis gave me the fault when trying to jog. It will also cause homing to fail on all axis if you have it reversed.
Sert, you may tweak abit at Teensy-to-stepper driver there if you sure the enclosure-to-robot arm J1-J6 cable is correct.
thank you for the update on the J1 and J4 wiring issues. let me know what you find after getting J1 and J4 resolved. I believe the encoder or collision error will be resolved when J1 and J4 are looking at the correct encoders.
UPDATE: I disabled encoders and axis' started moving. But this time when I jog J4, J1 moves :) I know it s bad wiring. I believe switching connection cables would solve this issue without rewiring.