Hi Chris , I'd started printing the robot with PETG. I'm using a Creality CR-10 Max which which allows printing all the split pieces in one shot (J1 base plate, J2 Arm and J6 housing). I need to export these parts from Solidworks. My question is how do I resize / export them from the Solidworks CAD model for shrink so they match the STL's provided that are already resized for shrink ?
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Hi Yves,
Did you manage to get the prints done? I'm printing in PLA so was wondering whether I would need to print the resized parts or the original sized parts. Thanks!
OK, makes sense now. I'll give it a shot as is and adjust if necessary. Thanks.
The main difference in the resized for shrink is that the bearing journals I made approx .2mm larger for a good fit. You may not need to do this with PETG - I had size issues using ABS so I made a version of print files with slightly larger bearing journals.