Hey, here its my AR4, planning to control with RoboDk


I bought the complete kit in US and I shipped to Ecuador, ,everething its perfect.
I thinks its a better way to rout the cables, I will post more about this later
This is the enclosure

So, soon I will posting videos conecting to RoboDk
Please @Chris Annin if you can make a video conecting robodk with AR4 robot we will aprreciet it
Thanks for the project
Move J [*] X 323.080 Y 0.000 Z 474.718 Rz 0.141 Ry 89.972 Rx 0.141 Tr 0.0 Sp 25 Ac 10 Dc 10 Rm 100 $N
every time I click on his position, he goes to a different position.He is not returning to the starting position. Where am I going wrong? I've checked all the connections.