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Forum Posts
Jul 29, 2021
In Questions
I would like to move the robot without it stopping/decelerating between some moves. I thought I heard Chris mention this in one of the videos, but after scrubbing back though all of them I can't find it. Perhaps it was so brief I can't find it again. To be clear, Lets say I have three positions. A start, a mid and end position. I want to move through the middle position without slowing down.
Apr 02, 2021
In Questions
I built a custom robot and have been setting up all the parameters. I used it to jog the robot around and everything was working. After closing the app I tried to reopen it and the app won't start. I see the black screen... then after a long pause I see the small white window popup and then go away. Nothing after that. I tried restarting the computer and that didn't help. I finally gave up and installed the software on a new computer and started over. I am now having the same problem on the second computer. After using the app it won't reopen. Even after a computer restart. How do I troubleshoot, or what is the solution if this has happened others. Both computers use windows 10 64 bit. I am happy to add any other information you might need.
Mar 14, 2021
In Questions
I set up a very simple test sending a series of servo positions to two servo motors. For troubleshooting purposes everything is disconnected except the Arduino mega and the two servo motors. literally nothing else is plugged into the Arduino. There are no other power sources or cables near by either. When I run the program pictured below It seems to stop at a different line randomly and the servos stop working. Occasionally I does work through the whole sequence and the servos move as they should. So far the only way to get it working again... for perhaps one cycle before it stops randomly again…is to unplug the Arduino and plug it back in... then hit "set com" again. Any ideas?
Dec 21, 2020
In Questions
I have been reading through the manual and there are some parts (page 307 for example) which describe the program pausing to transmit way points to the arduino (or teensy in my case). I am wondering if I managed to get a complete CNC program created with hundreds of way points and loaded into the Software would this create one long pause at the beginner to load the entire program, or would there be frequent pauses along the way as it reads each line? Perhaps these are unrelated and I am not understanding how the software will handle my program. Any thoughts on this would be helpful.
Dec 21, 2020
In Questions
I am designing a custom robot similar to the AR3 in layout but larger with servo motors and have been looking for a way to control it. I want to combine the control scheme of the AR3 program with Robo DK. I see in earlier post people were saying they could not export a program to the AR3 software. However when I look at post processors inside Robo DK I see "AnninRobotics" listed as a post processor. Perhaps this is new?? I don't know how to use either program at this point so I am starting from scratch. I want to know if anyone has tested this post processor before I spend the time and money buying and learning to use RoboDK. What I like about the AR3 is I can layout my robot dimensions in the software and there is a corresponding hardware controller via the Teensy etc. Are there other hardware/software options you guys know about regarding controlling a custom Robot? I have a pretty decent budget for this so it doesn't have to be DIY level stuff. I have extensive mechanical design experience but lack much experience on the programming and controls side. Other helpful information: I use Solidworks for mechanical design. I see RoboDK has a plugin for solidworks so that's what lead me to them.
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